Mutual trust

Our anniversary couple in the 3rd quarter of 2020


We owe our anniversary couple a debt of thanks for 20 years of perfect facility management – and plenty more besides. As the “moving spirit” at company HQ, they always have a sympathetic ear for colleagues’ concerns and requests and are game for all manner of special projects. Absolutely dependable and totally supportive at all times, they rise to every occasion, be it last-minute makeovers in the showroom, late-evening photo shoots of the unlit company HQ, clearing up overnight storm damage in our production buildings or getting hold of the requisite sausages for an impromptu lunch-time barbeque. In a nutshell: There’s nothing doing without these two! It’s been an absolute boon having them on board for so long. We look forward to many more eventful and positive years ahead.

More anniversaries in the third quarter

10 years of high achievement for Münch+Münch


Münch + Münch GmbH
Im Fuchsloch 8 (truck deliveries: Am Mittelpfad 6)
60437 Frankfurt am Main

T: 06101 5447-100
F: 06101 5447-120

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